Three groups of local Girl Scouts (two troops and an aviation group) were recently interviewed for three magazines published by N2 Publishing: Mill Creek Magazine, Mukilteo Monthly, and Points Living. Read on to learn about what they are working on and how they’re using their 2022 Girl Scout Cookie proceeds.
Mill Creek Magazine
Girl Scouts WING Squadron takes flight

“[The Girl Scouts WING Squadron’s] goal is to introduce young women interested in aerospace and aviation to ‘different career paths within the industry, meet experts in the field, gain a better understanding of the role these industries have on the economy in the Pacific Northwest, and experience opportunities for hands-on exploration.’ The program strives to ‘recruit, support, and grow the next generation of aviators’ and to improve gender and racial equity.”
Mukilteo Monthly
Helping the community one project at a time Girl Scout Troop 43584
“Troop 43584 is a group of 7th graders working together to sell cookies and achieve lofty goals. Collaborating since 3rd grade, they have completed a diverse array of projects, from ornament-making to beach cleanups, and cookie-selling to salmon repopulation: the latter being one of their ongoing projects.”
Points Living
It’s Girl Scout Cookie Time for Troop 46490!

“We have big plans for our cookie and dues funds: save, spend, and give. We will save one-third to build up our troop funds, spend one-third on the activities we do and a year-end campout, and give one-third to make toiletry bags for the homeless. In addition to Operation Cookie Drop where customers can donate cookies to troops overseas and veterans here in the States, we are donating cookies to frontline healthcare workers here in the Seattle area as well.”
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