Quilting to say “thank you”

Taking Action with Gratitude and Inspiration

Often we forget to stop and thank the people who matter to us, who support us during trying times and who celebrate our successes with us. For their annual Take Action project, the girls in Outreach troop #48440 from the Family Education and Support Services Center in Olympia came up with a clever and beautiful idea. The girls, a mixed group from Daisies on up to Cadettes, decided that they would create a custom-designed quilt to show the center’s staff how thankful they were to meet there and to get to participate in activities at the center.

Time to quilt!

With the help of a few talented quilters, the girls got to work thinking about the things that made them feel supported. They knew their experiences would be different, so the girls got to choose what was best for them. Each girl contributed a word or phrase that reflected how they felt, and then they were encouraged to come up with a design that could accompany the word. Together, the words and the girls’ drawings were combined to create the white panels that make up the center of the quilt. Each girl could then see her personal experience reflected in the quilt!

The girls’ family members and guardians submitted their own words for how they felt about the services and resources they received from the Family Education and Support Services Center. These words help make up the border of the quilt, and showcase the wide range of services the center provides for girls and their guardians. Combined with the girls’ panels, the quilt was pieced together, creating a picture of the gratitude the troop and its supporters have for the center.

Sharing inspiration

Of course, since we’re Girl Scouts, we know it’s as important to say thanks for what we’ve received today, but also to help inspire future generations. Troop #48440 knew it was important to them from the beginning with this project to offer inspiration to future families and girl Scouts who would participate in this program in the future. Since each girl and guardian was able to contribute their individual experience and source of gratitude, they hope that future girls and guardians are able to identify with their experiences.

With this in mind, the girls presented the quilt to the director of the center, who said: “I returned from vacation to find the BEAUTIFUL quilt from the Girl Scouts. I am so touched by the love and effort that went into creating it. We are trying to decide on just the right place to hang it in our office. I thought my personal office was a perfect spot – but I guess everyone wants to enjoy it! Thank you so much for helping to coordinate this wonderful gift.” After some careful consideration, the quilt has since been moved to the main meeting room at the center. Now anyone who comes to the center can see it, and the girls can see regular reminders of their hard work!

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