Talk about taking a step towards solidarity! We were amazed by the outpouring of support we received from girls, troops, volunteers and staff for the Million Misfit Sock March on October 25, which was created as a way to take a stand against bullying by wearing misfit socks.
We heard stories from girls who were bullied, and stories from girls who were having conversations with each other and their peers about ways to prevent bullying. In fact, more and more of these conversations are happening locally as we keep moving forward with our Power Up program here in western Washington.
If you or anyone you know would like to learn how to identify bullying, how to prevent it and how to intervene when you see it, consider joining one of our Power Up workshops! Just one more way to make one person’s life – in your community and, ultimately, in the world – a little better.

Thank you to everyone who participated here in western Washington and across the country. Together, we can end bullying by putting one foot in front of the other, and walking together toward peace and kindness.